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Address cleansing

Clean and enhance the addresses in your database for better customer communication and smarter business decisions.

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What is address cleansing?

Address cleaning is the process used to verify and validate a group of postal addresses and is critical to improving your business’s efficiency in reaching your recipients. This process involves cleaning up addresses with unstructured data and placing them in the correct fields. It fixes errors and corrects formatting issues to reduce the time it takes the mailing to reach the recipient. Meanwhile, address validation and standardization ensure that addresses meet national standards to guarantee deliverability.

Benefits of address cleansing

Address validation helps optimize your business’s processes and save money by reducing the amount of undeliverable mail you receive 

Reduced costs

Reduce costs by eliminating undelivered mail and the need to manually fix inaccuracies.

Effective marketing

Ensure your marketing communications reach your customers.

Improved accuracy

Increase your database accuracy for more intelligent decision-making.

Why you need an address cleansing service

Having clean and standardized address data provides numerous benefits to your business or organization. Each service offers unique advantages, but they work best together for optimal results from your mailings.

  • Address scrubbing: Fixes misspellings, incorrect house or apartment numbers, and incomplete addresses (such as missing apartment numbers) to ensure the data is accurate
  • Address sanitizing: Improves customer satisfaction by reducing mail delays or having mail returned as undeliverable
  • Address standardization: Ensures that the addresses are in their correct format based on USPS standards to improve the efficiency of delivery

Achieve accurate data with nationally certified service

Another benefit of address cleaning is that we can verify the data with the national change of address (NCOA). This service helps update and verify the addresses of millions of people changing their addresses every year, helping your databases remain accurate. We also verify with the Coding Accuracy Support System, or CASS, to validate the quality and accuracy of our service.

Our experts can help you perform a one-time or routine address cleansing of your records.

Get started today

Did you know?

of organizations say that they rely on gut feelings to make decisions based on their data.


Valid and accurate customer contact information improves decision-making and business moves.

  • Ensure addresses are correct as they are entered into your database.
  • Prevent returned packages by verifying address data in real time.
  • Obtain a single customer view by joining disparate data from every source into one record.

Batch address verification

  • Cleans and standardizes lists
  • Scrubs lists for immediate use
  • Saves you time, as experts clean lists for you.

Learn more about batch address verification

Address validation API


  • Integrate address verification directly into your website, landing pages, and e-commerce and mobile checkouts
  • Receive technical help from the experts every step of the way
  • Maintain accuracy for high volumes of address data entry

Sign up to see how it works on your website


Full feature set

Experience the advantages of bulk address cleansing tools

Discover the right solution based on your business requirements, from certifications to qualify your organization for postal discounts to the different deployment options available to suit your technical requirements.

Make address cleansing part of your data strategy

Address data cleansing is one crucial component of a strong data strategy, Experian can help you complete the circle with our comprehensive tools.

Find out how our data management tool can help you today.

Learn more

With Experian Data Quality, we have all but eliminated incorrect addresses entered internally. The solution delivered value to our business at a minimal cost and a low total cost of ownership.

Hastings Mutual Insurance -

Advance your business with reliable address cleansing tools

Address cleansing software helps you maintain clean lists so you have proper communication information for your customers, can easily stay in touch with them, and maintain proper relationships for a higher return on your investment.

Our address cleansing API offers a seamless integration so you can start improving your data quality instantly, starting at the point of entry.

Fill out the form below to get in touch with us and learn more about how you can leverage our address cleansing services to optimize your operations