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International address validation & standard formats

Reach your customers—no matter the distance. Validate addresses in over 245 countries around the globe.

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Communication is vital to establishing and maintaining strong relationships with customers and clients. However, the farther away they are, the harder it can be. Your customers in other countries are just as important as your domestic customers, but there can be multiple barriers that get in the way.

Unfortunately, with different address formats, languages, and information, data accuracy can start to get a little muddy. International address validation is a helpful resource to have in your toolbelt, allowing you to maintain more accurate data so you can connect with your customers, see better engagement, and experience a higher ROI.

What is international address validation?

International address validation is the process of comparing an address outside of the United States against a reliable database managed by authorities in that country. The validation process attempts to match an address with one in that database. If there is a match in the database, then the address is validated and automatically corrected to match the appropriate format.

Similar to standard address validation, the technology corrects any typos and formatting errors by placing the given address up against the entry in the database. As a result, you ensure that you have a valid mailing address that matches the listing and removes the risk of the mailing not reaching its destination. The database maintains information down to the street level, providing remarkable accuracy where information is collected.

The process of international address validation differs slightly from standard address verification, as every country has a separate postal system and authority. Since every country has its own mailing system, address data quality and reliability can vary widely from country to country. In the US, address validation tends to be more reliable because every address is backed up and documented by the United States Postal Service.


Ensure customer address data is accurate 


Fewer returned or undeliverable shipments


Software is easy to use and implement in just moments

What are standard formats?

Standard formats are simply how an address is formatted in a country, including what information is contained in an address. Thanks to the diligence of the US Postal Service, every address in the US follows the same format. Each address includes a street number, a street name, city, state, and ZIP Code.

Similarly, every country has its own standardized format as well. There is no internationally adopted address format, as the postal authority in each individual country determines the proper format, leading to differences in the ways that mail is addressed. For example, other countries use provinces instead of states or use different ways to measure postal codes that are different from ZIP codes.

These international address formats are accounted for in the database, helping you match the address you have with the proper terminology and fill in any of the necessary gaps.

Why is international address validation important?

Much like address verification in general, international address verification plays an essential role in the data quality and success of a business. In general, address validation is essential for effectively communicating with your customers while saving time and money. Between returned mail and employee time spent correcting errors, invalid address data can have several unexpected business costs.

Sending packages or materials overseas is even more high stakes because of higher shipping costs and fees. Not only is mailing to an overseas address overseas more high stakes, but it is also easier to make mistakes. From improper translation to inaccurate terminology, inaccuracy is common with international address data.

When mailing in the US, you can trust that every address follows a consistent format that is verified by one large national agency. When you are shipping overseas, you do not have the same assurance. There are over 240 countries with hundreds of varying formats, which can throw you and your business for a loop. However, by using international address validation, you can bring yourself much closer to that point of assurance.

This assurance gives you a higher sense of security in reaching your customers abroad, allowing you to maintain consistent communication, offer promotional opportunities, and get orders to their doorstep. Your ability to reach customers improves their trust in your business, binds the line of communication, and offers a greater return on investment.

How does international address verification work?

Using a reliable database backed up by constantly updated data, international address verification uses easy-to-install software and APIs to check address data on web forms, eCommerce sites, and more. These hands-off tools are simple to use right away and offer consistency to your business. The process provides more reliability and peace of mind in a few key ways.

Compiles data

International address verification tools compile data from over 240 countries in the world. This database is routinely updated by the postal authorities in each country to provide the most accurate data possible.

With the right validation tools, you can even handle verification issues at the source. Customizable APIs crosscheck addresses with the international database at the point of entry, ensuring that the address is accurate and free from errors before it enters your data set. Save time cleansing databases by starting with correct databases in just moments.

From cleansing your data lists of duplicate data and errors to supporting international address lookup tools, access to this data streamlines your daily business tasks.

Standardizes foreign addresses

Since there are so many possible address formats, it can be hard to keep up. Fortunately, verification tools check against the international database to use the proper format, language, and terminology, depending on the country. 

Address verification tools also help to translate the information in each address, preserving accuracy and avoiding misunderstandings. Improper characters can also lead to errors, as some countries use different alphabets. For example, typing an address that uses a Cyrillic alphabet (like they use in Russia) using a Latin alphabet (like we use here) can cause issues if the information is corrected back into Cyrillic.

By matching your data against the international database, these tools handle and correct these mistakes.

Ensures accuracy in every address

Countries vary in their available address accuracy, but Experian uses a reliable database to ensure that you get the most accurate address possible in as many countries as you can. Depending on the country, the database maintains accuracy down to the street level, city level, or delivery point. These tools take the tasks of correcting typos and spelling errors to avoid any flaws in the delivery process.

Address validation tools provide total accuracy with their ability to connect to information that is not readily available to everyone. Access to this information not only provides you with an accurate address, but it does so by saving your employees time and resources.

International address data

Delivery Point Addresses are accurate to delivery point level. e.g. a single delivery point within an apartment building, block of flats or high rise. Building/House Number Addresses are accurate to building level e.g. a single house or retail unit. Delivery point information may need to be entered manually. Street Addresses are accurate to street level. Delivery point information will need to be entered manually. Locality Addresses will be returned for some localities (e.g. cities and towns). Street and delivery point information will need to be entered manually.

Address verification

We know address verification like it’s nobody’s business. Our industry-leading global address verification solutions cleanse, update, standardize, and deduplicate address records. We offer software solutions as well as professional consulting services—all to meet your data needs.

Our solutions take care of address issues:

  • Cleaning format and fixing misspellings and other errors
  • Making sure the address is in the correct format
  • Verifying that the address meets NCOA (national change of address) and CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) requirements and make sure it is set to receive mail
  • Deleting identical addresses

    Start cleansing your lists

International Address verification API


Verifying addresses before they enter your database will save you time and resources down the road. Integrate address verification right into the point of collection with our APIs. Customizable to fit your specifications, these APIs are easy-to-install and start working immediately in web forms, eCommerce sites, mobile checkouts, and more.

Our address verification API provides the following benefits to users:

  • Easy installation process
  • Customizable APIs to fit your specifications
  • Convenience to use immediately for your business

See for yourself

Global address validation in real time

No matter where your customers are located, you can get correct addresses in real time. As your employees enter the address information, the API uses geolocation data to improve accuracy as the data is entered. Our global address verification software integrates into your existing platform, reducing the chances for errors, and improving the speed of data entry. Real-time address validation uses standards for each country where your mail is being sent.

  • Improves accuracy of data in real-time
  • Integrates into existing platform for ease of use
  • Reduces errors in addresses
  • Corrects formats based on location requirements
Full feature set

Reliable and consistent international address validation is crucial for reaching your global customers. Our data quality management platform has robust global address validation that standardizes and cleanses your address data.

Optimize your customer experience

A fast checkout experience could mean the difference between a successful sale or an abandoned cart. Ensure address verification without sacrificing customer experience. Learn about the benefits of real-time address validation.


Verify international addresses for your business

By providing you with accurate address data from hundreds of countries, international address verification can help ensure you reach your customers. As a result, your business establishes better relationships, saves money, and sees more conversions.

Validating data from addresses to email addresses plays an important role in the success of a business and organization. Experian can help provide your business with a suite of helpful, easy-to-integrate tools to maintain accurate data across the board. Contact Experian today to learn more about how to start verifying international addresses.