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Creating a single customer view at a large Indonesian bank

Discover how Experian Aperture Data Studio has enabled this bank to achieve a greater understanding of its customers and meet regulatory requirements.

Solving regulatory challenges


The regulatory governance team at a large Indonesian bank purchased Experian Aperture Data Studio to facilitate the creation of a single customer view (SCV) for reporting to the board of directors and the Indonesian financial regulator. It will also be used for sales and marketing efforts to help increase revenue.

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The bank found they were struggling to provide accurate customer level information to the board of directors due to being a large, hierarchical organization with data sitting in various siloed sources. This, at times, had caused them to have to pay audit penalties.

They had an existing tool that required too much customization, was hard to maintain, and wasn’t meeting their reporting needs.

The organization went out to find a solution. They needed an agile, scalable, browser-based data management solution that was easy to operate.


Experian Aperture Data Studio allowed the bank to create an SCV with greater accuracy and fewer duplicates without affecting their day-to-day processes and systems. The bank also invested in enterprise data quality tools to ensure the customer data they hold in their SCV is accurate and up-to-date.

The bank considered various options from competitors including a customized data management solution from a local vendor, but they ultimately concluded Experian Aperture Data Studio was the best fit for their requirements due to its faster data loading and profiling, ease of use and maintenance, and shorter implementation time. They also had a firm requirement for a browser-based solution.


Experian Aperture Data Studio is being used by 20 users across the organization including sales, marketing, finance, human resources, legal and compliance, and data governance teams. The benefits they’ve seen through the solution so far include:

Time to value

Aperture Data Studio was the fastest to complete data loading and profiling (9+ million records with 64 columns) and had a faster implementation process compared to others

Execution process

Experian’s professionalism throughout the sales process and strong pre-sales support showcased to the project team that we were committed to deliver and support the solution


The software is user-friendly and requires less IT involvement compared to others

Talk to our experts about Experian Aperture Data Studio and how your business can benefit from a single customer view.

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