Because QAS Pro runs on top of the primary database and operates at the keyboard buffer level, changes to underlying code are minimal or completely unnecessary. Customer service representatives or employees in operations use the solution to enter new and updated addresses so the addresses can be verified as complete and accurate before they are used for rating and billing. In addition, QAS Pro works easily within the limitations of Hasting Mutual's mainframe system without requiring any changes to business processes or systems.
QAS Pro Web verifies and standardizes addresses entered over the web and can be integrated seamlessly with any web form. Agents entering policyholder addresses via a web portal use QAS Pro Web to validate the address data before submitting it to operations.
"Of all the products we evaluated, QAS software was the easiest to work with, which was very important to us. We understood that if we were to realize significant productivity gains, the solution we chose had to be easy to use," Sacco said. Sacco also knew that integration with Hasting's existing systems was also essential to the success of the implementation. QAS software works without difficulty in any legacy transaction screen to paste addresses in the correct fields, even when field sizes are limited, and the solution is easily implemented within agent web portals.
The Results: Efficient Operations and Reduction of Bad Addresses
To date, QAS Pro has been implemented in Hasting Mutual's billing, customer service, and operations departments, and the company is already realizing measurable results. After the implementation was complete, Sacco asked one of his colleagues to generate a report showing new homeowner policies over a six-week timeframe, and the report showed that no incorrect addresses were entered during that time. "With QAS Pro we have all but eliminated incorrect addresses entered internally," Sacco said. "The solution delivered value to our business at a minimal cost and a low total cost of ownership." He also noted that the software was easy to install, update and configure, allowing multiple users to share a common profile and cutting down on IT maintenance and support issues.
With the implementation of QAS Pro, Hastings Mutual was able to eliminate its "dual-entry" system, saving employees significant time and effort, while boosting productivity. In addition, Hastings Mutual has seen improved productivity on policy processing as QAS Pro provides the full and correct address even when only parts of the address are entered.
Hastings Mutual is currently implementing QAS Pro Web on its agent portal, and once the implementation is complete, Sacco expects the same return on investment. He estimates the total volume of incorrect addresses will decrease to one to three percent. "That's a significant reduction from a year ago when 20 percent of our addresses were incorrect, and it is a real benefit for our organization," Sacco concluded.