Founded in 1972, Pacific Northwest Ballet (PNB) is one of the most highly respected dance institutions in the world, and is known for its artistic excellence, innovation, and superb company of dancers.
Currently, PNB maintains a constituency of approximately 260,000 records with over 11,000 subscribers in a Tessitura Arts Enterprise Software database - a CRM database system specifically designed to meet the needs of artistic and theatrical organizations.
PNB had a database riddled with bad addresses. Data from outside mailing lists, such as Ticketmaster, were missing apartment numbers and had incorrectly-spelled street names. In addition, the high-stress Nutcracker season - where the volume of ticket sales is the heaviest - provided an environment ripe for inaccurate and incomplete records.
Returned mail was expensive, and a waste of time for PNB's marketing team, who operate on a fixed budget. For example, a mailing of approximately 75,000 pieces resulted in 12,000 returned pieces. At a cost of 70 cents per piece, PNB was losing a stunning $8,400, or more than 16%, on each typical mailing.
An ensemble cast is formed: PNB turns to Experian Data Quality
PNB turned to QAS software. QAS Pro validates addresses against official U.S. Postal Service® records during entry into a database. QAS Batch validates already existing records. Together, the products cleanse existing databases and make sure they stay clean going forward.
PNB installed QAS and integrated it with the Tessitura database in one day. "Support has been great," said Jim Mitchell, PNB's IT Manager. "QAS helped us with our installation and, since then, we've had no problems whatsoever. QAS is a pretty straightforward product and is very easy to use."