Conti works with a team of 60 Unemployment Insurance (UI) Call Center operators, who process UI claims entered by phone or through the mail.
"We used to enter an incorrect address and not know it was incorrect until weeks later, when the claim form would be returned by the Post Office," Conti added.
Enter Experian Data Quality
The number of returned forms and checks was significant and needed to be addressed. Raymond Filippone, Assistant Director of Income Support, assigned Conti to begin researching ways to ensure the validity of the addresses with which they were working.
"This was more than just a matter of increasing operational efficiency," Filippone said. "We have an obligation to protect the Unemployment Trust Fund by making sure we don't send erroneous or incorrectly addressed payments. We were interested in a quick, simple way to address the problem."
The team settled on QAS Pro. QAS Pro validates addresses against official U.S. Postal Service® data in real time, during data entry. It also provides a drop-down menu of valid addresses, which users can simply highlight and select, thus saving time entering data.
"Installation and integration were extremely easy," Conti said. "QAS sent a technician down to Rhode Island who said, 'OK, show me the screens you want to use and how you want them to look,' and he configured every screen for us."
Conti trained the call center staff on the product. "The major training for them wasn't so much how to use the software, but to change the way they ask for an address. It took a while for them to get used to asking for the ZIP Code™ first."