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Billbacks are charges from mail carriers or shipping companies for the inconvenience of delivering packages that are formatted or addressed incorrectly.

Billbacks can:

  • Dig into company profits
  • Delay the delivery of customer shipments

Many companies try to avoid billbacks by manually verifying addresses, sometimes even calling customers to double-check the validity of a billing or shipping address.

A more efficient way to avoid billbacks is through the implementation of an effective address verification solution. Experian Data Quality recommends employing front-end and back-end address validation for best results.

A front-end solution will enable the capture of correct information while the customer is still on the phone or online, saving precious time and creating an efficient, streamlined workflow.

A back-end data quality solution will automatically fix incorrect addresses, or flag them for manual checking if a match cannot be found.

Related links:

Read more about our real-time address verification solutions
Learn more about Experian Data Quality address cleansing solutions.