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Data democratization

How a data-driven culture is key to organizational success

In a rapidly changing market, digital transformation is more important than ever. Our new research shows that 87 percent of business leaders say data insight is essential to managing the customer experience and operational efficiency in a digital environment.

Enter data democratization. Data democratization gets a wider range of roles access to data insights, and is essential when shifting to a data-driven culture.

However, companies are struggling to achieve a data-driven culture. We spoke with more than 500 data practitioners to understand what their journey is to a data-driven culture, and why it’s key to organizational success.

Our research explores: 

  • Benefits of a data-driven culture
  • Why data democratization is important now
  • The relationship between data democratization, DataOps, and data literacy
  • Tips for starting a data literacy program

Download our research and learn the importance of getting data access across the business to achieve a data-driven culture for organizational success.


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