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Transform the effectiveness of your CRM with more accurate contact data

Five ways to unlock efficiency and drive performance

Our research indicates that organizations’ believe that almost one third of the data stored in their CRM is inaccurate. That’s one in three items of data used by the business every day are not correct. If your system contains inaccurate data then the output you receive, and subsequently your decision-making/ insight, will be of little value too. 

In this paper we are going to focus on steps that can be taken to improve contact data quality.

We recommend:

  1. Understanding how data enters your business
  2. Implementing checks where your data is captured
  3. Profiling key data to understand it's depth, breadth, and quality
  4. Creating a program of transformation to correct issues 
  5. Monitoring the effects of the changes you made over time 

Download our white paper to learn more. 


View the white paper