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Data segmentation & personalization

What is data segmentation?

Data segmentation is the process of taking your data and segmenting it so that you can use it more efficiently within marketing and operations.

How can data segmentation help?

Data segmentation will allow you to communicate a relevant and targeted message to each segment identified. By segmenting your data, you will be able to identify different levels of your customer database and allow messaging to be tailored and sophisticated to suit your target market.

Learn more:

Single Customer View: A single customer view is a consolidated, consistent and holistic representation of the data known by an organization about its customers.

Data Quality Blog: Read all about the latest trends in the market and expert insights around Data Quality.

Data segmentation can help with personalization

Even with all of the personalization advances, the improvement is not without its challenges. According to the recent study, 94 percent of respondents have challenges related to personalization. The biggest challenge is gaining insight quickly enough. This is followed by having enough data and inaccurate information.


Free resource

Download the Maximizing Personalization whitepaper today to learn more about data segmentation and improving data insight for better consumer connections.